Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
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2024-12-07 - Jazz Service Live Stream
Katie Jacob
Katie Jacob
Saturday, December 7, 2024
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Malachi 3:1-4 (Inclusive Bible Translation):  Well, pay attention!  I am sending my Messenger to prepare the way for me; the One you seek will come to the Temple, the Messenger of the Covenant whom you long for will come, says YHWH Omnipotent.  But who can endure the day of that Coming?  Who can stand firm when that One appears?  

That day will be like a smelter’s fire, a launderer’s soap.  The One will preside as refiner and purifier, purifying the Children of Levi, refining them like gold and silver – then they will once again make offerings to YHWH in righteousness.  Then the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to YHWH as they were in former days, in years long past.