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Thank you so much for your generous giving in support of our 2024 ministries at Grace! Your giving made so much possible for us in this past year and we are looking forward to doing great things in the New Year through your continued support and prayers!  

If you intend to change your giving for 2025 and you give online, we encourage you to update your online giving as soon as you are able.  To do that, please take the following steps:

  1. From your mobile device or computer, go to the Grace website:
  2. Click the "Give Now" button on the home screen.
  3. Log in to your account if you are not already logged in (note that you can send a code to your mobile device if you do not remember your password).
  4. Select "Recurring Gifts" from the menu (on a mobile device, the menu is accessbile by clicking the three lines on the top right; on a computer, the menu is across the top of the page).
  5. Locate the recurring transaction you want to change and click the pencil icon to edit it (to change the dollar amount, click directly on the numbers).

Please note that some browsers will not allow you to change the amount of the transaction.  To avoid having to delete the transaction and create a new one, simply switch to a different browser.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Tina Guillot at 504-338-7927.

Thank you for your generosity and your support of the wonderful things God is doing through Grace!