This week the Redevelopment Team embarked on a new adventure - reading the book “Abundance - Creating A Culture of Generosity”.

It is an interesting approach to stewardship and budgeting that is based on knowing who we are as a congregation. First we must understand what we believe Grace’s MISSION to be. Why do we exist? What are the gifts and values that God has given Grace? What do we want Grace to be? What is the vision that God has for Grace?

Then and only then do we build a budget - and not just to pay the bills but, more importantly, to make God's vision for ministry at Grace a reality. Then we give to Grace to accomplish that mission, which should be an act of joyful support of God’s Kingdom, not simply an obligation.

We invite you to consider these questions with us. 

  • Why do we exist? 
  • What are the gifts and values that God has given Grace? 
  • What do we want Grace to be? 
  • What is the vision that God has for Grace?

As you think on these questions please share your hopes for Grace’s mission with Pastor Katie or any member of the Redevelopment Team.

 - Barbara Artuso