Our lives are busy! For some of us, it’s not that we don’t want to give but that we don’t remember! 

  • We keep meaning to sign up for online giving but when we leave church on Sunday, the thought leaves our minds.
  • We go on vacation and then we’re out of the habit of bringing our offering to church.
  • We would put something in the offering plate if we could only remember to bring it!

There are all sorts of reasons why we forget to give to church. 

The Fall Stewardship Drive is the perfect time to decide how you will remember your offering!

For some, giving online through Tithe.ly is perfect! 

  • You can give through a credit card to get those cash back points or you can give through your checking account.
  • You can choose the frequency of your gift: every week, two weeks, month, or bimonthly.
  • You can even choose to cover your transaction fees!

If online giving through Tithe.ly is right for you, then we encourage you to sign up or make changes while you are filling out your Intent Card, so you don’t forget!  If you need help signing up, mark that on your Intent card and a Stewardship Team member will help you. 

For some, old-school giving envelopes are the way to go! 

  • Your box contains an envelope for every week and for holidays like Christmas Eve.
  • Your envelopes have your name on them so you know that your gift will be recorded.
  • Each box of envelopes costs about $5.

If giving envelopes are right for you, you can sign up to receive them by marking that on your Intent Card.  Just remember to keep your envelopes in a place where you will see them and be reminded to bring them to church!