As we think of our children and youth at Grace, we have so much to give thanks for! 

We have fabulous Grace kiddos who join us in worship regularly and we have incredible GICC kids who we get to nurture!  We have amazing and faithful youth who serve and lead in worship and who are nurturing their faith in youth group! 

When we think of all the children and youth nurtured at Grace there is so much to give thanks for, including the money we steward through our budget! 

We give thanks for the offerings that pay for all our building expenses (insurance, electric, internet, water) so that our youth can meet safely and comfortably in our youth room, so we have lights and air conditioning, so we can cook pizza in the kitchen and make popcorn on movie night, so we can spend time together learning about God. 

We give thanks for the offerings that pay for the Bible, the copier, the internet, paper, ink, crayons, all the other supplies we use in Children’s Messages and in GICC lessons. 

We give for the offerings that made it possible for our youth to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering and the offerings that support our worship ministry where our youth are sharing their Gathering experiences. 

We give thanks for the offerings that pay for Pastor Katie’s salary so she can plan and lead faith activities with our children and youth, so she can build relationship with our kids. 

We give thanks for the financial offerings that make our Children and Youth Ministry possible!  We give thanks for everyone who gives! 

Your offerings are nurturing the faith of our children and youth!