This year our Grace Stewardship Team is asking all our members to turn in Intent Cards. 

For some of us the idea of Intent Cards may be brand new, and others may know them by another name like Pledge Cards or Commitment Cards.  We like to call them Intent Cards. 

Our Intent Cards are where we write down what we intend to give to our church in the next year.  These Cards are not contracts!  We understand that things change, and a member may need to decrease what they give at the midyear or a member may be able to increase their giving during the year.  The purpose is not to hold you to what you write down. 

The purpose of the Intent Card is to take time to think about your giving, talk about it as a family, and most importantly pray about it with God! 

Too often our offering to church is an afterthought.  After we figure out everything we need to spend money on and everything we want to spend money on, we then give some of what is left to support our ministries at church. 

We do not want our offerings to be afterthoughts!  Giving an offering in support of the ministries we do at church is a faith practice.  Our Intent Card is the tool we use to make sure we take the intentional time to engage in this practice of faith. 

We are asking everyone to fill out and turn in an Intent Card this year so that everyone takes intentional time to engage in this important practice of faith.