Pastor Katie and Kären Hazlaris, Grace Congregation President, just signed off on the 2024 Mission Partnership Grant Covenant between Grace and the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod. The amount of the grant for 2024 is $12,000. In acknowledgement of this partnership, the members of Grace promise to do the following:
- Pray regularly, dwell in the Word, and remain hopeful and expectant that God is active in the life of Grace’s mission and the individual lives of each participant;
- Grow in personal discipleship, including in worship, witness, service, and generosity;
- Pray for and honor the work of the pastoral leadership of Grace, the congregation’s mission, and the synod;
- Promote healthy, Christ-centered relationships and decision-making, refraining from gossip and negativity;
- Cultivate a climate of intentional hospitality for people new to the life of the church;
- Generously support with time, talents, and money the work of Grace and its mission, the synod and the wider church (this includes a record of financial mission support to the work of the wider church in the calendar year); and
- Participate in periodic ministry reviews as coordinated by the Bishop’s Associate for Mission.