Grace's Redevelopment Team is excited to resume our Redevelopment Strategic Planning!  The first phase of this planning was our Stories of Grace Sessions.  Out of those sessions the Holy Spirit guided us to write our new church mission statement.  We began the second phase of our planning by compiling our list of Gifts of Grace.  It is now time to take those gifts and combine them into the projects, events, and ministries that God is calling us to!  

As you prepare for our Gifts of Grace Brainstorming Sessions, we ask that you take some time to read through the attached Gifts of Grace List and make note of: 

  • gifts that resonate with you
  • gifts you are curious about
  • gifts you are excited about
  • gifts that give you hope

We encourage you to think of how our gifts could be used to create events, projects, or ministries: 

  • we could do with our children
  • we could do with our youth
  • that are cross-generational
  • we could do with our Presbyterian and Methodist neighbors
  • we could do with our neighborhood/community
  • that would encourage growth in someone's faith journey
  • that would encourage growth in our relationship with creation
  • that would live into our values of steadfast love, inclusive belonging, and living hope

As you consider the gift of our building: 

  • How could our building better support our mission?
  • How could we use our building to communicate who we are?
  • Is there a way the community could use our building?

Most importantly, as you prepare for our Brainstorming Sessions, we ask you to pray.  Please take time to pray to God in gratitude for the many gifts God has given us, gratitude for the people who lifted up their gifts, and guidance in how we will use our gifts to answer God's calling!